Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Extra exercise

Wordle 459 4/6


I made a mistake there, I didn't use a letter from the second guess in the third, but still, can't complain about getting it in four.

Yesterday I biked the kid to school. I took a slightly different route home, partly due to construction and partly to overlap with T.'s route to her office, because she was going there today and it would have been nice to see her on the way. But as it turned out, I got home before she left, so that was nice.

Work was fine. One meeting in the morning, productive. It had three follow-ups. One, I got to yesterday; one, I got to just now; and I think I can do the third before 10 this morning. Good enough. I worked out on the "exercise bike" after that.

In the afternoon I got through some collectible stuff in WoW. There's always something else to do, but I'm in a good place for this weird season.

Around 3:30 I biked to get my haircut. (Biked without a helmet. Reckless, I very rarely do it, but I didn't want to drive because parking would be bad, I didn't want to take the bus because it would take too long, and I didn't want to bike with a helmet because I wanted to minimize sweat before a haircut.) After that, some quick shopping, and then out again to pick up the kid and T.

Dinner was chicken in the air fryer and sauteed squash. T. and I liked it. The kid tolerated it.

It was my turn to put the kid to bed. It was rough. I finished reading to her around 8:30, but had to sit with her until around 9:20 until she went to sleep. My patience for this is going from bad to worse. I think a few years ago we should have put our foot down about bedtime and made her cry herself to sleep a few times. Unfortunately it's harder at this age. (For the record, I've been willing to, but T. breaks down, and that doesn't solve anything.) 

Last night/this morning I think I had a bit of a hangover. Maybe I need to cut back on my drinking. Last night I had a martini-like cocktail, strong, and an IPA, around 8 percent. That wouldn't be a lot for a night out but is for a Tuesday night. Although for whatever it's worth I only decided to have the beer after putting the kid to bed...

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