Monday, September 05, 2022

Treading water is exercise

Wordle 443 4/6


Damn, I'm good...

Yesterday morning was leisurely. Scrambled eggs and home fries for breakfast; it's been a while. 

Around 11:30 we went to a pool to meet some friends of the kid. The pool we normally go to was closed for the season, but another one wasn't. This other one was awesome. Could have been bigger and had a diving board, I guess, but lots of stuff going on for kids and generally nice facilities. (The main draw of the first one is that it's within walking distance for some of our friends.) While the kid was in the water, I tried to tread water rather than sit, stand, or cling to the side, just to get a little exercise in. In addition to just swimming and climbing on/wrestling with me in the water, she also wound up giving impromptu diving lessons to some friends of hers. 

We spent about 3 hours there. After getting home and getting dressed, T. took a nap; all the chlorine or something had hurt her eyes. I got some laundry done but otherwise relaxed a bit. The kid watched TV, played games on her iPad, video-chatted with her grandmother, and read. 

The kid had guitar practice while I was making dinner. She didn't like that. Dinner was pork chops and green beans. She threw a tantrum when we were trying to find something we'd all like to watch and we very nearly said no TV at all for the rest of the night, but we compromised - TV, but not staying up later than usual like we had contemplated.

After reading to her, I casually left her room and sat on the stairs right outside, and she eventually fell asleep like that, although she called to make sure I was there every few minutes. It was the first time she fell asleep without us in the room and without a struggle in a long time. She didn't actually go down any earlier than usual, so I'm not sure how much of a victory it was, but I'll call it a victory.

In the evening, I (fiiiinally) finished The Lightning Rod. Good for me for trying something new but I don't feel the need to finish the series or hunt down the author's other work.

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