Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Low executive functioning day

Wordle 452 5/6


Yesterday I biked the kid to school, as usual. It's a routine I like, at least until it gets colder. Then I had the house to myself; T. picked yesterday as her day to go to the office this week.

Yesterday I just had no executive functioning ability, if I can borrow and probably misuse a medical term. It was so hard to focus on anything, particularly anything boring. I managed - at work, I got a sort-of-urgent item out as scheduled; personally, I went to the grocery store for groceries and the pharmacy to get something for T., cleaned the kitchen, and followed up on the doctor's request to reschedule - but it was just really stressful doing that much. A few possible reasons come to mind.

  • The weather was beautiful. High of around 79 and low humidity. Fall in DC is great when it's not raining. I was tempted to jog despite my concerns about a possible injury, but prudence won out. Instead I did the shopping by bike and called that my exercise.
  • T. being absent on Tuesday means more temptation to play WoW, because that's the weekly reset.

Just to make things a bit worse, at the end of the day I tried to log in to my corporate computer and had a lot of problems. I called tech support and I still don't think they're all resolved. I need to either do it often enough that it stays fresh in my memory or write down the procedure.

Getting the kid was uneventful. T. met me there. Yesterday we were earlier than the day before but the kid wanted to stay until later to play with friends. Can't win.

Dinner was steak and asparagus, grilled. I haven't used that much over the summer but it's nice now.

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