Monday, September 19, 2022

Kids are a pain

Wordle 457 3/6


Yesterday we had the usual Sunday brunch, eggs and home fries. I thought they came out great.

At 11 we biked to a park for a playdate for the kid and a bike event. We were fortunate enough to run into another friend of the kid, who was there for a sibling's friend's birthday party. (It wasn't the only birthday party in that park at the time. The park was busy.) The people we were actually there to meet were late, but made it eventually. I mostly just read and played games on my phone and occasionally contributed to the mothers' conversation. My parenting was limited to someone else's kid. Some teen or near-teen was jumping around on the canopy over the benches and the jungle gym like it was a trampoline. He could have broken the canopy, or his own neck. Getting in a battle of wills with a kid like that seemed like arguing with a pig, but at least he didn't go up there after the first time I talked to him, at least not before I left, so I'd say I won...

After that, a tiny bit of quick shopping on the way home. Then leftovers for lunch. I had a bit of a headache and took an advil and lay down for a bit. i got up when another friend of the kid came over. They played for almost 3 hours. It got pretty nerve-wracking by the end, with all the noise and almost-but-not-quite-dangerous roughhousing. 

Dinner was spaghetti - I'm liking cherry tomatoes or similar, warmed up in a pan but not really mushy, more than sauce these days - and a new roasted green beans recipe.

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