Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Good day, bad night

Wordle 465 4/6


Biked the kid to school yesterday and did a little shopping on the way home. 

Work was fine. I had four meetings at work, which is a lot for me, but they weren't hard. One team check-in for a team we're tangentially involved with (no action expected of us, just trying to keep an eye out for things). Two All Hands for various overlapping big organizations. One weekly check-in for a team we're very involved with (but it's almost more of a social call than a serious exchange of information). I sent out the first of what's going to be a monthly report to my boss with no problems, and also sent out a reminder about reviewing a SOP to an approver who's new to me and was rewarded with approval of the document, so that was nice.

Getting the kid was routine. She wanted to play with her friends longer. She never wants to be the last one, of course, but she'd rather play with her friends than sit in the car with us, so it's a delicate balance...

Dinner was tortellini and broccoli. It was hard to plan dinner out for the coming week because we're so busy, but that will partly mean just eating out more than usual, so that's not really hard

Last night, though... the kid came into our bed around 2 in the morning due to a nightmare and that threw everything off. T. and I were tossing and turning for the rest of the night after that. Made a bigger pot of coffee than usual this morning.

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