Thursday, September 15, 2022

People should listen to me more

Wordle 453 4/6


The day before yesterday I put long pants on while grilling just to keep the bugs off me. Yesterday I did something I haven't done since around April and wore long pants. Not that it was so cold that I had to, but it was no longer so hot that I couldn't

That was after biking the kid to school, and working out on the squatting machine. And I didn't go straight from one to the other, so it might even have been after noon. But hey, technically fall is coming.

Work was fine. One meeting in the morning, productive. Not too much going on and that's OK. (I have one task to get started on soon, and troubleshooting the problems with my corporate computer, and I guess I should have worked on those, but the deadlines aren't imminent.)

Work was a bit shorter yesterday than usual. Over a week ago the kid got a cold - headache, runny nose, cough, etc. Tested negative for covid and most of the symptoms went away on their own in a few days, but not the headache. That's still around now and then, so yesterday afternoon we took her to the doctor's. She ruled out everything concerning and just had general advice about drinking water, getting a lot of sleep, etc.

After that we went to the store. We got cream cheese, giving up on finding our preferred kind; snacks for the kid, since she had missed her afternoon snack at school; and ice cream, over my objections. (This will be important later.)

We had a little downtime, so I took the kid to the park, where she played on the jungle gym. A friend was able to join her for just a few minutes, fortunately. Then it was time for her music lesson. It went fine.

Dinner was spaghetti and broccoli. Easy enough. There was a PTA meeting at the same time we had both forgotten about, so T. was multitasking while I cooked and while we ate. When we thought about dessert, I went looking for the ice cream in the freezer and didn't find it. We had forgotten to bring it in. Whoops!

Right before bedtime, the kid was climbing on me (over my objections! It was time for her to settle down and she's getting big to climb on me!) and fell. I wish I had caught her but I swear I did nothing to cause her to fall.

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