Monday, April 17, 2023

Brunch and iftar

Wordle 667 5/6






Yesterday the kid and I got up around 6:30. Early for her but due to jet lag it probably wasn't enough. We had arguments over getting her iPad and other devices and bothering her mother and I felt mysteriously sick. Headache and nausea. Didn't throw up but wouldn't have been surprised if I had. I would have assumed it was a hangover but had zero alcohol the day before. (Thid makes me reconsider some events I thought were hangovers!)

Anyway, the morning was relaxing otherwise. Around noon T.'s godmother's children and grandchildren came over to visit. The grandchildren were new to our kid, so that was fun.

In the afternoon I walked the kid ti the playground again. For dinner we went to an iftar event one of T.'s godparents children was invited to for his position in local government. Note to self, I want to fill in details on this later. Memory lane. Dinner didn't start until after sunset and there were speakers after, so it kept us out late. We're definitely on local time now.

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