Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Moderately good on all fronts

Wordle 662 5/6


Started yesterday with yoga. Exercise 1, day 4 of 7 recommended. It's going fine but I doubt I'll be able to keep it up on vacation so there will be a break before exercise 2.

Work was OK. Two meetings, neither one too bad. Got a document finalized and in front of the reviewer. 

In Warcraft, in addition to the post-weekly-reset chores, I changed my warlock's professions and did the early-to-mid-level stuff in the new profession (or rather, old profession I returned to). Not important, but somewhat fun and novel in and of itself, and a few days ago I said that I wasn't enjoying the game partly because of various things wrong with alts; well, this fixes one of them.

Around 4 I ran some errands by bike: to Target to pick up those new headphones and to a nearby grocery store for dinners for the next two days. I wish I left earlier than I did, partly out of a general principled aversion to procrastination, partly so I would have had more time to look for "nice to have" stuff rather than the bare necessities, and partly because of random problems (the back gate stuck again! 3 trash cans were in the way! Target couldn't get the theft prevention device off the headphones without special tools!), but even so I made it back with 10-20 minutes to spare before the last minute to get the kid. 

Normally T. would have gone to swim class with us, but she had late meetings, so I took the kid. While she was in there I walked to a store a couple blocks away, more to have something to do than to get anything I really needed although I did find a few things. 

T. made dinner: fried rice and kung pao chicken from Trader Joe's freezer bags. I did the toe stretches, the bare necessities of the physical therapy, after dinner. I also tried to figure out the new headphones, but couldn't get them working well enough to want to sleep in them.

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