Sunday, April 30, 2023


Wordle 680 4/6


Yesterday I started the day with yoga. Exercise one, day 8, longer than the book says is needed, but there was a big gap in there between that and the one before.

Pancakes and bacon for breakfast. The kid came home when it was nearly done but had already eaten. 

In the late morning we heard from the parents of a friend of the kid. One of the friend's siblings had a soccer game in the park near us, so the kid could play with her friend meanwhile. She went on her own. I went to and from the park more than once to check on them while doing laundry. Around noon I tried to take my bike to the shop to get serviced, but they were so busy, the best I could do was an appointment for mid-May. In the early afternoon we went to Trader Joe's. The kid never likes it and could have made it easier, but it went OK.

We saw little of the kid all day. When not at the park, she spent most of it under her bed, allegedly reading but probably mostly watching videos on her iPad. Maybe we should have been more concerned about that, but in addition to the stuff above we also did the laundry and I changed some burned-out light bulbs, so we kept busy enough.

The big event of the day was a gathering for T. and the kid, an arts and crafts event for several friends to get ready for Teacher Appreciation Week stuff. I'd have the house to myself for at least 2 hours with absolutely nothing going on. I wound up smoking weed, I might as well admit, but reading a comic book I haven't read in a while and watching Better Call Saul, a show I had started on the flight home. A different and more thorough kind of relaxation than usual. I also did some of my physical therapy. I wasn't too rigorous, but was adequate in my opinion.

The girls' plan included snacks but not dinner, so I planned on an easy, light dinner around 7. I ate around 7:30 in front of the TV. They got home around 8:15.

Bedtime for the kid was horrible. Our best guess is that she was over-tired, with a sleepover the night before followed by a lot of socializing. I wish I had been more ready, i.e. making the beds before they got home, but I don't feel too bad about unwinding. I'm not sure how well I handled things while putting her down.

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