Monday, April 03, 2023

Yoga, a puppy, and shopping

Wordle 653 2/6


Damn I'm good.

Yesterday morning I considered exercise options and cracked open that yoga book I bought last week. Not sure what to think; of course, it was only the first lesson.

  • My first thought was that it was hard literally finding the space. Our house is cluttered. In fairness it's a little worse now than usual due to the cleaning process and T.'s job; she has stuff in the living room that would normally be at her desk. But even so, it's a small space with a lot of things in it. Normally the back bedroom is a good place for it, but (a) right now it has my comic books in it and (b) it's right next to the kid's room so I wouldn't want to do anything there before she's up. This is why I want to declutter!
  • It was too easy; remembering the instructions in between doing them was harder than actually doing them, in general. Of course, it's day one of lesson one, I don't want to read too much into that, but still. 
  • Near the end, but definitely before it was completely over, I heard the kid moving, which made it hard to relax. I'm not trying to keep this a secret, but she would be a distraction, especially since the living room is the TV room. Part of the reason morning exercise would be problematic.

Anyways, we had the usual Sunday brunch of eggs and home fries, and left fairly soon after to drive to Reston to see friends. It had been a few months, and they had a puppy the kid would love to play with. We hoped they would tire each other out.

After that, lunch at an upscale taco chain I found annoyingly high-tech (pushy social media presence, and the hand dryer in the bathroom was in the sink???), followed by shopping. T. was still interested in more work-appropriate attire, and the kid wanted sandals. They both got what they wanted without that much stress and I actually enjoyed some parts of it myself, so can't complain. I'm not sure how much detail about parenting I need to go into here. Like, the kid mostly resists the end of a playdate and the same happened with the puppy; is it worth mentioning each time? Or the usual food issues.

Anyways, by the time we got home it was dinnertime. Pork chops and broccoli.

I finished inventorying the fourth box of comics yesterday, in between everything else. I have five boxes, but the fifth is stuff I already knew I wanted to keep. Now I need to go through the list and figure out what I need or want to keep or not, and actually find a buyer.

Bedtime was hard for the kid. Not directly my problem because it was T.'s turn to put her down, but after T. finally came downstairs she wanted to watch an episode of a show we've been watching, and I might have appreciated going to bed earlier myself. Especially since I just don't sleep well in general.

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