Friday, April 28, 2023

Going feral

Wordle 678 5/6


Biked the kid to school yesterday mostly uneventfully, although there was a scare and sudden stop due to a car making a u-turn in an intersection.

Work was OK. Could have been better. Got the essentials done (one meeting, plus the notes to it, and some follow-ups on old tasks). In World of Warcraft, did some dungeons on my main and leveling and profession work on multiple alts. I officially got that warlock over the hump to 75 skill points - not "done", but unlocked everything I need/want to unlock. 

Had lunch around 1:30 and cleaned the kitchen around 4. Went to the store for some essentials after that and walked several extra blocks on the way home to get something approximating exercise. 

Picked the kid and T. up at the usual time. Dinner was pasta and broccoli. It was OK. Easy enough, certainly.

Solitude isn't good for me

The title is in reference to how/why I ate lunch and cleaned up so late. I was lazy or procrastinating in other ways as well. I haven't done yoga in the morning all week. I'd explain not doing it in the morning because I've been trying to put in honest 9-hour days, and had to start on time or earlier than usual due to all the various errands I've been running. I have no explanation for not doing it in the middle of the day in between workday stuff when I can be sure it wouldn't be a problem. I also haven't been doing my PT. Toe stretching at random, sure, but none of the stuff that requires thought or tools.

The proximate cause for yesterday's procrastination was playing Warcraft, but despite minor things like a new challenge the game hasn't changed much in recent weeks or even months, so why would my approach to it change? I suspect (in addition to possibly depression or fatigue; I still haven't properly relaxed after how tiring the vacation was) it's because I'm still getting used to having the house to myself 4 days a week, now that T. works outside the home. I need either more self-discipline, or a rigid routine that excludes Warcraft, or something, or I'll get pretty gross. 

I wrote a lot of that yesterday, but reviewing it, I think I should give myself a break about getting lazy once my wife isn't around, and think harder about depression or totally rational fatigue. I've been saying "I had fun on my vacation, and now that it's over, I'm looking forward to relaxation", since before it was over like it was a joke, but it's true. There was very little relaxing about it except for finishing a novel. It was The Doors of Eden, by the way. I found it lying around the house unsure of where it came from, started it around the flight out, read it during downtime over there, and finished it on the flight back. I liked it. I wish there was a sequel. Good world-building, literally, and also interesting characters. 

That's not nothing, but I killed myself on my feet and dealt with the in-laws nonstop, who I get along with OK but it's still a pain. And since we've been back, the kid had a Scout meeting Sunday, two guitar lessons instead of one plus the usual swim and the guitar lesson, plus behavior issues, plus my work which has been busier than usual due to catching up. It doesn't let up, either, because we have plans tonight and the next two days as well! 

Of course I've been coping badly when I'm trying to deal with all this shit! Although maybe our plans Saturday and Sunday actually will be relaxing. I fucking hope so.

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