Friday, April 14, 2023

Emotional labor

Wordle 664 4/6


Made a mistake with my third guess.

Did the yoga first thing yesterday morning. Biking the kid to school was uneventful. I don't like T.'s bike - aside from any psychological issues, the motor makes biking so easy that I don't get any exercise, and the bike is so heavy that everything else is harder - but it'll work as the main mode of transport for the kid in the mornings. And maybe afternoons too, on the two days a week we don't have anything going on? We'll see. Didn't do it by bike before. 

Work was OK. The usual Thursday morning meeting I took notes at went well. We had a meeting with a team about their documentation later in the morning but they cancelled, and a meeting later in the day was rescheduled for today, so I had more free time than expected.

I spent most of it in Warcraft, playing open world content aimlessly. That malaise has returned. I've got that warlock's profession to the point where it would take great expense or luck to make incremental progress. As for competitive content, it doesn't matter. The next patch comes out in two and a half weeks and I'll be on vacation for one of them. I might do a dungeon or two before then for pure fun but that's it, and I didn't feel up for that yesterday, but I spent hours flying around anyway. I'm in the habit of paying for the game on a six-month payment plan, it pays for itself if I play 10-11 months out of the year, but if I were on a shorter plan this would be a good time to take a break. (Now that I write it out, this wasn't the only lull in the last year and probably won't be the only one in the next. Maybe I should go on a shorter payment plan and take breaks!)

I did get some productive stuff done despite that. I got started on a new SOP task I got last week. Getting started on it is disappointing, I had wanted to be done before my vacation, but (a) that's still possible and (b) there's no hard deadline. As for personal errands I returned a book to the library, went to the drugstore for shaving razors, picked up the dry cleaning, and did two loads of laundry. Or rather, one and a half, because T. had to take care of the last one while I got the kid.

She was sullen and kind of rude. I asked if anything was wrong. She said no. I said in that place can you please work on being more polite because this attitude isn't appreciated. She didn't say anything at the time, but a few minutes later asked about therapy for anger issues. She's aware of the concept from a friend or two of hers. I was surprised; despite recent moodiness, I had thought she was generally handling things in age-appropriate ways. I tried to be sympathetic, open-minded, and supportive.

Her emotional openness and my supportiveness were both immediately tested when we got home and T. told her to practice her guitar (because she hasn't since her lesson and won't be able to while we're gone!) and shower (because she didn't the day before and probably won't tomorrow!), both of which she generally dislikes. I talked her into doing a little "art therapy" before the guitar, with the promise of some time to text her friends between the guitar before the shower, she wound up doing some drawing during the guitar practice as well. And the shower was also delayed until after dinner, so she appreciated that. But even so, it was all a trial.

Dinner was pork chops and asparagus. I did my physical therapy after putting the kid to bed. I did all of it except the stair lifts and cold compress rolling. Close enough.

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