Thursday, April 13, 2023

I didn't want to bike to the comic book store. WHAAA???

Wordle 663 5/6


Yoga first thing yesterday morning. 

Traffic is always bad and recently there was an accident near the school involving a teacher, so yesterday morning when I was getting ready to drive the kid to school, I remarked that we'd start biking again soon. She immediately threw a tantrum and wanted to know why I wasn't biking her in right now. Well, the immediate reason was it would take time to get T.'s electric bike ready and we were now at the last minute to go to school, but this caught me off-guard because I thought she preferred driving. What the hell? In hindsight, she prefers driving when it's cold, and prefers being a passenger to my talk of her learning to bike herself, but I'm not too surprised she was willing to bike in some sense. The tantrum was annoying, though.

T. agreed with me that it was a good idea to try out her bike, but honestly, I was reluctant. It would mean admitting I was wrong. I was opposed to her getting it until she made it clear that it would be her money, and even so it's a bulky thing to take up space in the pantry, and I think it's silly how little she uses it, so I've been unsupportive. Riding it forces me to admit it was a good idea to get. At some point I had hoped the kid could go straight from being a passenger to biking herself. That was wrong and maybe was crazy to begin with. 

So anyways, work wasn't too busy (one meeting, productive, minor follow-ups on it and the meeting the day before), so I spent most of my day procrastinating on biking. In addition to the usual, namely Warcraft until I got a headache, I also:

  • Cleaned the kitchen earlier than usual.
  • Rotated my winter and summer wardrobes. Didn't want to bike across down in long pants in 80-degree weather, of course, and didn't want to get just one pair of shorts out. 
  • Started a giveaway pile with a few long-sleeved sweatshirts I never wear that are kind of ratty.
  • Put away the sleeping bag and inflatable mattress that had been spread out on the floor of the guest bedroom since the guests left. 

I couldn't put it off any longer a little after 3 and left. My destination was the comic book shop, to get some short boxes to make it easier to sell almost exactly half of my current collection. Getting them secured on the cargo bike was the only hard part, but I had bungee cords. While there I heard from T. She had got off work early and was walking to the kid's school, so I had to admit where I was. I met them there. After some negotiating, we put the kid on the bike carrying the boxes and T. took the bus home. We got back only a couple minutes before her. 

Dinner was chicken and green beans, with a lot more onions in the green beans than usual to use them up. I did the bare essentials of physical therapy, the toe yoga, after dinner, but I really should be more thorough and do the other parts as well. Oh well, I'll be spending a lot of my time on my feet on vacation...

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