Saturday, April 15, 2023

Work, packing, forgetfulness, and stress

Wordle 665 4/6





Started the day with yoga and biked the kid to school uneventfully. Yay.

Every other Friday is busy because of a biweekly report we're responsible for, and yesterday was that Friday. In addition, an important document was due yesterday, and a meeting scheduled for Thursday afternoon was pushed back to Friday morning. It mainly fell to S., my teammate, but I had to help out when she had technical difficulties. In addition, I finished my draft of the document I mentioned yesterday. Good for me. In the end it was simple and straightforward once I finally got around to it, it just took time, but that was in short supply when I actually needed it. 

Around 2 I was thinking to myself that the day was going well, despite expectations. I didn't have the chance to enjoy it by playing Warcraft - I got in about half an hour of that during the day, but far less than usual. Instead I got to packing for the trip. I got as much of my stuff and the kid's straightened out as possible.

Around 4 I dealt with some last-minute stuff at work and logged off. Then I went to a happy hour for some parents from the kid's school. Another had considerately got mine there and she watched a movie while talking with friends. I planned to get her straight to gymnastics after that while T. attended a meeting online, but while there I realized that I had forgotten a change of clothes for her. She had worn a dress to school - can't do gymnastics like that. Several frantic calls later to T. and friends, and I stopped at home very briefly to get her a change of clothes. I got her to gymnastics less than 10 minutes late and tried not to take it out on her, despite how difficult it was to tear her away from the movie. 

I tried to relax during gymnastics after running a few errands. Not sure how well I succeeded. Dinner was pizza and wings.

I did my physical therapy at the last minute before getting ready for bed. I rushed but technically did absolutely all of it. Good for fucking me.

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