Saturday, February 12, 2022

Early Valentine's Day

 Wordle 238 5/6*


Once again I feel like I should have got it earlier. That fourth guess had two letters I knew were wrong. Even the third guess wasn't technically wrong about anything, but the ultimately correct answer seems much more likely in hindsight.

Yesterday morning I made a few minor edits to a SOP and started a spreadsheet to audit exactly how messy that wiki space is. We (the team) also happened to chat a lot. Team bonding and stuff, to justify it from a management perspective. It started with me complaining about technical issues. I have a lot of them. That might not be luck or incompetence on my part, it might be because I have a less stable work space than either of them. I work in both the dining room and the guest bedroom at various times, on two different computers, and I'll often take my personal computer in the living room too when not working. Maybe switching from the router to the router extender screws with things, or turning on my corporate computer at 8 one day and 2 the next, who knows? That got into a discussion of what our work spaces and homes in general are like. 

At 2 I left for a podiatrist's appointment. Walked to the metro and took it to the downtown office rather than try to find parking - haven't done that in a while. He said it was maybe a mild ingrown toenail and recommended a new brand of shoes. 

On the way back I went grocery shopping. I wound up carrying a lot home, but I hadn't gone jogging, so walking to and from the metro and carrying stuff was my only exercise. After that I sent one or two more quick emails before logging off for the day.

At 5 we left to get the kid and take her to the usual gymnastics class. Unusually, we put her in an extended late-night (i.e. until as late as 9:30) program. Then T. and I went to a fancy restaurant for an early Valentine's Day dinner. Dinner was great. Then we went to a nearby bar for cocktails. The bar was a bit too crowded to feel totally safe these days, but oh well, it was a special occasion. 

The evening was only marred by what happened after we picked the kid up. She ran to the car, threw open the door, and slammed her hand between the door and a tree parked near the car. I could have parked it better and she could have been more careful but mostly it was just bad luck. She was crying all the way home.

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