Friday, February 04, 2022

Scheduling problems

 No Wordle because I got on my work computer first thing because I'm a bit busier today, and the link and cached history are on my personal computer. Ugh. (I can do this on my work computer, I'd just rather not.) I'll do it later and edit it in here.

Yesterday work was uneventful. Sent a few emails, the team got a new task and figuring it out was complicated but the task itself probably won't be that bad, etc. But the afternoon/evening turned out to be complicated.

T. and I left the house around 3. The plan was to deposit some checks at the bank and go grocery shopping together. Then I'd drop T. off at a political event at 4:30, pick the kid up from afterschool care, and take her to her guitar lesson at 5. After that I'd make a quick dinner and I'd have a video chat meeting for one of the kid's extracurriculars at 6:30. 

But we didn't think too hard about the locations and schedules of those things until we were already in the car. It would have been impossible to get from the bank, to the grocery store we had in mind and actually get any shopping done, to T.'s event in time. So instead we went to the bank, drove to T.'s event (only about half a mile but it's a very awkward route/layout), and essentially just sat in the car for 20 minutes until it was a reasonable time for T. to go to her event. While driving to get the kid, I did mental math and realized I'd have like 20 minutes to spare, and there's a grocery store not too far away. So I went there, raced through aisles of the store, got the bare necessities, and then went to get the kid. Things went to plan from then on. 

EDIT at 1 this afternoon:

Wordle 230 3/6


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