Thursday, February 03, 2022

I'm a genius

 Wordle 229 2/6



Yesterday at work I got through several minor random things in the morning. In the afternoon I did my share of those 30+ "individually simple but annoying" tasks from yesterday. Good for me.

I mentioned having a long to-do list. To be exact, there are 11 items on a list I wrote up on the 1st. Yesterday I got through two of them, both tasks related to the new phone. I feel like that's a good start, considering how many would be impossible or unnecessary to do already.

Bedtime for the kid was rough. She bargains. When I put my foot down, she yells or just gets out of bed and follows me. I did what she wanted last night in return for a commitment of good behavior tonight and going forward. Let's see if she holds up her end.

Today is day 3 of only having browser access to my office network on my personal computer, and needing to go to the corporate computer for anything else. (Maybe more than day 3. I first mentioned it happening on Tuesday, but I'm not sure from memory it didn't happen earlier.) I think the next troubleshooting step is uninstalling and reinstalling the relevant plugin, so that's on my agenda for later today, but I'll try to get through some actual work first. It's annoying. I can't claim I need to use my personal computer for work, especially since one of the to-do list items I did yesterday was setting up two-factor authentication on the new phone, but it's nice. I like being able to alt-tab between a document I'm writing for work and, well, this, or commenting on a blog, or other minor distractions that I still wouldn't want to do on the official corporate or government network.

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