Saturday, February 05, 2022

Crazy day

 Wordle 231 5/6


I feel like I shouldn't have needed that 4th guess to eliminate letters but I just couldn't think of anything that fit what I had.

Yesterday was crazy. Every other Friday is the busiest day of the two-week period for us technical writers due to biweekly reports. (They used to be weekly. Progress.) They were a bit later than usual. The last straggler I had to pick up the phone and track down. Apparently he had finished his report hours ago but forgot to mark it done. (Or had a glitch or something, who knows, but it wasn't marked done.) So that was a productive use of my time...

Meanwhile, problems with the office's wiki were mushrooming. The office has a library we technical writers control with an iron fist. It also has a wiki we do less with, other than making sure that things in there that should be in the library are. But several email discussions about it this week became our problem. One of those was actually with the person whose report was late. I was worried dealing with the wiki issue would take him away from the report actually due today. We got the essentials dealt with for the moment, but we'll probably have to start doing more things in the wiki, or get it organized differently.

Yesterday was crazy in one good way too. The kid has a gymnastics class Friday nights. A friend of hers is in the same class. This week our schedule happened to line up with her friend's, and her friend's parents could take both of them to the class so T. and I had extra time around the house to relax.

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