Friday, February 18, 2022

New shoes

Wordle 244 4/6*


Daily stuff

Yesterday I found the 9th WoT book in the second box I checked. Could have been worse. Started rereading it after all.

I was lazy yesterday morning. I worked hard yesterday afternoon. I didn't have anything too urgent going on, I just wish I hadn't put it off until the afternoon. But I knew I'd be busy today with the WAR and I wanted to get new sneakers yesterday, so I scrambled through several emails and document edits at the last minute. I left the house in time to get the shoes, but not for grocery shopping, so we'll have to do that tonight. 

The kid had her guitar lesson this afternoon. It went well enough. The weather was great; I was happy to be walking around outside in just a sweater on these errands. 

Shortly after we got home one little thing went wrong and the kid had a complete bawling meltdown. (What went wrong was me spilling water on her, sorry, but that was definitely just a straw breaking a camel's back sort of thing.) I didn't get all of it but apparently she was miserable because her friends weren't getting along with each other? There were arguments about who was BFFs with whom? A wanted to play with B but not C? The kid just wanted everyone to be friends with each other, and likes to spend her time solving friendship problems. (A phrasing she probably got from My Little Pony.) We tried to gently explain to her that that's difficult. She calmed down while I made a simple dinner.

After dinner, the kid and I got out a version of charades and the two of us played it. It was OK, better than letting her watch TV indefinitely, but she's so competitive it's not too much fun to play games with her. 

Meanwhile T. went to a gathering of other mothers at the kid's school. A social event at a bar rather than something organized or productive. I put the kid to bed for the second night in a row, a rare event in this household, and watched some B-movies. 


Today I got a bit depressed to realize I have basically no friends. More details a general "before and after" post I'm working on, but basically, my social interaction is roughly 10 percent of what it was in the Before Time. Sad. Not sure what, if anything, to do about it, but it's one more admittedly minor reason to look forward to going back to the office. 

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