Thursday, February 24, 2022

A better day

 Wordle 250 5/6*


Yesterday morning, shortly after dropping the kid off at camp, there was a team meeting. Not too much of an agenda, just possible process improvement stuff. Then I worked on that presentation I have coming up about what my team does. Preparing for it means (1) getting our own documents in compliance just in case anyone checks, (2) coming up with PowerPoint slides to go in the larger presentation, and (3) thinking about or actually practicing what to say. (1) is the least important so naturally it's what I've spent the most time on, such as those documents I got feedback on yesterday. For (2), the deadline was yesterday at noon, and I got them in by 1:45 but there were no problems with that. Good enough but I'm not proud. For (3), I've been thinking about it especially in the course of working on the slides, but I reeeally need to actually practice soon.

At 3 I heard from the tier 2 tech support again, and with his help I was able to resolve the problems with the work network on my personal computer in 15 minutes. Woo hoo. In theory this shouldn't affect work either way but it makes everything other than work much easier. I celebrated by going for an afternoon jog. It was 65 degrees and sunny. Yay global warming. T. and I left the house a little after 4:30. We did some very quick grocery shopping on the way to pick up the kid from camp. Traffic was terrible. We were about 5 minutes late. Luckily she wasn't the very last person there, but still, bad parents. 

For dinner I made air-fryer chicken (easy and hard to screw up) and glazed carrots while the kid practiced her guitar. She was grumpy most of the afternoon/evening. I suspect she was tired herself, after the night before last. I put her to bed and she was asleep more than half an hour earlier than usual. After that, T. went to a repeat of this gathering. I watched a little TV - Simpsons episodes I had never seen before, this time - but got to bed earlier than usual myself.

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