Sunday, February 06, 2022

Don't drive to the Kennedy Center

 Wordle 232 4/6


Yesterday we had a lazy morning. Around 11 or so we drove to Alexandria. First we went to a bookstore and got a birthday present for one of the kid's friends. Her party is today. Then to Best Buy. T. got a wireless keyboard and mouse. She has been trundling a setup with cords around every day to work on her laptop at the dining room table. (One of a hundred ways we're adapting slowly to reality. I'll probably devote a post to it for the 2-year anniversary next month.) Then we went grocery shopping. We got home from there a little before 4. We did some laundry and had an early dinner. 

A little after 5 we left for a Chinese New Year event at the Kennedy Center. We brought a friend of the kid's. Traffic was kind of bad on the way there. Then, at one intersection, the red light was broken. Cars going the other way had a green light. I don't know if I noticed a car coming at us a little too fast, the light on the far side of the intersection that wasn't broken, or it was purely the Force speaking to me, but I slammed on the brakes before it was too late. We easily could have been t-boned. 

The event itself was okay. Looked pretty, crowded but outdoors, cold but we were prepared, the kids were as well behaved as can be expected of 6- and 7-year-olds which isn't saying much. On the way home, our Google Maps tried to direct us into a bike lane. It was a two-way bike lane protected by bollards and T.'s phone clearly told us to turn into it. We could only guess that it was new and Google Maps hadn't been updated. On the way home we saw people repairing the broken light. 

So it was stressful. I indulged ourselves with different drugs than the usual beer or similar alcoholic drinks and T. had extra dessert.

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