Thursday, February 10, 2022

The opposite of a headache

 Wordle 236 4/6


Yesterday the kid got up a little earlier than usual. I started the workday with a to-do list of five items. I got four of them done by 9 AM and the fifth, hardest one by 11:20. Good for me. Unfortunately it generated a follow-up by yesterday afternoon, sooner than I would have expected. But it's so rare that a task moves promptly I guess I shouldn't complain when it happens.

Yesterday it was in the mid-50s. Because global warming is going to doom us all, I went jogging around 2, the same route as I was taking last summer. Good for me. It went well enough, much better than jogging at the gym last week.

I made macaroni and cheese for dinner last night, a big recipe from scratch. It came out well enough but took a lot longer than expected. 

Last night I was waked up by a pain in my toe. Something has been wrong with it - maybe more than one of them but definitely the left big toe - for a while, and last night it got bad enough that I had to take aspirin to get back to sleep. I've been assuming it was a nascent ingrown toenail but I'm not sure. I seriously think I might have to make a doctor's appointment about it.

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