Sunday, May 15, 2022

Grown-ups' priorities and kids' priorities

 Wordle 330 6/6


Yesterday we had the usual Saturday breakfast, pancakes and bacon. Then we walked to the library to pick up some books T. had reserved. Well, T. walked to the library. The kid got distracted by a small playground a few blocks before it, so she and I stayed there basically until T. was done. 

Once we got home from that, we changed clothes, got out T.'s bike from the basement, packed snacks, and went to the Bans off Our Bodies protest. We left right around when the march started - in fact, we kind of dodged in front of it to avoid getting stuck behind or inside it - because we had something else on the agenda, namely, the birthday party of a friend of the kid. 

Dinner was spaghetti and a salad. In addition to all that, we got most of the laundry done. Good for us.

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