Thursday, May 19, 2022

Computers hate me despite spending so much time on them

Wordle 334 6/6


That one was surprisingly tough. I don't know if I did anything wrong except for an actual typo in the 5th guess, it was just hard to find the right letters for those spaces.

Yesterday was fine. Biked the kid to school. 

A meeting in the morning went well, despite being scheduled for half an hour and actually taking more than an hour. It was partly because the other team's leader came late, for no apparent reason, after missing the previous meeting scheduled for this also on short notice. It's painful making progress on anything with this team, but in fairness, we do seem to be making progress. A meeting in the afternoon with just our own team didn't go well, because apparently they couldn't hear me. I wouldn't be surprised by a problem with the work network, but I was on my cell phone! I think I'm cursed.

I went jogging later, at like 3:30, basically the last minute so I barely had time to cool down and clean up before we went to get the kid. Her music lesson went fine. Dinner was ravioli (the kid didn't like it) and broccoli. After dinner T. went out to an event. I took the kid to the park for a bit and we both worked on the monkey bars (she could do more chin-ups than me! I need practice!) and stuff. Then a little more TV, then bedtime for her.

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