Friday, May 20, 2022

To-do list progress

Wordle 335 X/6


WTF. I need to reevaluate my strategy for this game. Or just stop playing. It's stupid. 

Yesterday wasn't too busy. I biked the kid to school at 8, did a little grocery shopping on the way home (biking, plus shopping, is faster than driving), and had a meeting to take notes on at 9. After the meeting I did a little work around the house. "Work" means "taping things". Duct tape on the shower mount, which has been slippery and making annoying noises in recent weeks, and foil tape on the dryer vent duct, which I noticed had a leak a few days ago. I'd hate to get a professional for something as trivial as the shower mount but tape isn't holding well. And I'd hate to get a professional for the dryer vent duct because we already did once. 

I went jogging around noon. I wish I had gone earlier, it was hot by then, but as I said, I was busy. While doing so I stopped by the pharmacy to get some pills for T. It was a slight increase in distance, but of course there was a break while I was waiting in line, so probably not more exercise than usual but good for me for being helpful. Work wasn't too busy in the afternoon. We got the kid at the usual time. I made stuffed peppers for dinner and T. took the kid to the park for a bit while I was cooking. While I put the kid to bed, T. had a meeting with a few PTA and school board members. I joined near the end but I was tired.

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