Tuesday, May 17, 2022


Wordle 332 4/6


Yesterday morning I biked the kid to school. I might have liked to go jogging in the mid-morning and take advantage of the cooler air - like I said, summery - but it started raining around 10 or so, so I thought I had missed my chance. 

Work itself was fine. Not too busy. When I went upstairs I had constant technical difficulties, so eventually I came downstairs and just worked (or played) with my volume muted.

Around noon or so T. read something about this weird Japanese game show about toddlers running errands. She followed up with this SNL skit about boyfriends running errands. I have to admit it bugged me. I'm not some MRA asshole to think that sexism against men is remotely comparable to sexism against women, but still, shallots? I do most of the cooking in this household! And grocery shopping! I have in the past bought tampons without memorable problems! I realize that T. does most of the planning and scheduling in this house, but I thought it was just a bit unfair to me that she enjoyed that skit so much!

It stopped raining around noon and was dry by 2, so I went jogging then. It was basically the last minute, but I wanted to get some kind of exercise in.

After school we had an appointment for the kid to get a passport, because we have a trip to Europe planned for this summer. (T. planned the trip, so the least I could do is make sure the kid's passport is up to date, right?) We had thought the post office could take the picture while processing the paperwork, but yesterday morning they called to say their camera was down. We could still process the paperwork today, we'd just have to bring our own pictures. Fine. So right before we left I made a few phone calls and found a pharmacy where we could get them taken. We had with us the relevant documentation and some extra just in case it mattered. While actually waiting at the post office, I checked the requirements on my phone one more time, and apparently they would accept payment by cash or check, but not credit card. Fuuuuuck! Fortunately there was someone ahead of us in line, it wasn't too far from home, and traffic wasn't too bad yet, so I was able to race home, get the checkbook, and get back before it caused any problems. But still, I had to admit that skit was more fair than I liked to think.

Dinner was air fryer chicken, brussels sprouts, salad, and hummus for the vegetarian kid. I normally would feel a bit bad about something so lazy for her, and alternately wouldn't normally bother with a four-course meal, but the salad and hummus were leftovers so it didn't really matter.

After dinner, T. planned to put the kid to bed while I attended a PTA committee meeting. Right when it was time to start the bedtime, T. completely freaked out. A casual email made her realize that she had completely lost something saved on her Google drive. Apparently she deleted it by accident. She meant to delete an email draft it was in, and instead deleted the whole thing, or something like that. So I did most of the bedtime prep and we switched off when it was time for actual reading and T. had cooled down and exhausted the document recovery options she could do herself.

So what I'm saying is, it was a long day.

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