Friday, May 27, 2022

A slow day isn't bad

Wordle 342 4/6


Biked the kid to school yesterday. Crossing the street two blocks from home, we passed a woman with a kid on her bike. She passed us like 4 blocks later, and then our routes diverged. But they converged again at school; she was taking her kid to the same school as me. We chatted a bit and apparently they live just four blocks east of us. Not too important considering that our children didn't know each other, they aren't in the same grade, but still, cool.

Work was uneventful. One meeting, two if you count an all hands. Dealt with several random things, minor progress on a couple medium-age tasks, nothing too exciting or demanding. I went jogging in the afternoon. I made it a tiny bit longer but doubling up on one block near the end. Good for me for experimenting, I guess.

Dinner was pork chops and a salad. The kid seemed to actually like the pork chops. I have mixed feelings about that. The kid's friend joined us. I think this was a first. I think it started as a mixup about a playdate and how long dinner would take to get ready. 

After dinner the kids played upstairs quietly while we listened in on a school board meeting. Then I got the kid ready for bed while T. attended a PTA meeting planning an upcoming end-of-year celebration. Lots of meetings.

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