Tuesday, May 03, 2022

I don't normally hate Mondays

 Wordle 318 5/6


That second guess had letters I knew were wrong. And this guess pattern seems too common. Oh well, 5 guesses is on par for me.

Yesterday we drove the kid to school. The weather would have been good for biking, but in addition to dropping her off, T. and I were supposed to help out with a teacher appreciation event. We were so late that by the time we got there, there was basically nothing for us to do. Whoops. 

Work was sluggish yesterday. I did the biweekly report prep right away, I attended two meetings and paid adequate attention, I was promptly responsive to new stuff and chat as applicable... but that still doesn't represent a lot actually getting done. I'll blame it on the rough weekend, I guess.

Despite that, I went jogging yesterday afternoon on this route, which is about a quarter of a mile longer than the previous default route. Yay for pushing myself, I guess. 

We went grocery shopping on the way to get the kid. She did a little music practice and then had a friend come over for a few minutes while I made dinner. It was roasted chicken thighs, a small batch of green beans (half a package was used in this recipe, so we used the other half up last night), and salad from a bag. The grownups liked it, the kid didn't. Cooking for her is going from bad to worse.

Last night I slept better than the previous two or even three, but it still wasn't completely uninterrupted.

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