Saturday, May 21, 2022

Every other Friday is good

Wordle 336 4/6


And then there's this, where I got it in four, and could have got in three if I hadn't used a letter I had already eliminated. Good for me but there's room for improvement.

Yesterday was fine. In the morning, in addition to biking the kid to school, T. biked with us (for the first time!), and she and I manned a ballot box table for the PTA elections. If it seems like I'm doing a lot of PTA stuff, that's not my inclination, but it was nearly defunct for a year and a half or whatever due to COVID, and getting new officers are a part of getting restarted.

We got breakfast sandwiches after that near the school. Then home. Then a little work, then jogging. I got back right in time for a brief meeting. Work wasn't too busy. I got Keystone Master in World of Warcraft. More of this no later than the 26th, because that will be exactly one month after I resubscribed.

In the evening, the kid had gymnastics, and for once we didn't have errands to run, so we just read, played with our phones, and watched her while she had class. Dinner was pizza at a nearby by-the-slice place.

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