Monday, May 02, 2022


 Wordle 317 4/6


This was our third or fourth camping trip as a family. We were definitely better prepared than last time. But then, "prepared" is relative. 

  • Our plan for food was simply to grab all the finger food in the house, buy granola bars and cold coffee drinks Friday afternoon for breakfast Saturday and Sunday, and eat out for all actual meals. We don't own a gas or electric camping stove and didn't dare try open flame, and after all, this location isn't the middle of nowhere. We never walked more than 1 mile from our car and never parked more than 10 miles from some kind of restaurant. But the friends we were camping with had cooking equipment and food to spare, so we had hot dogs and sausages at the camp for dinner Friday and elaborate brunches (eggs, bacon, breakfast sausages, toast, and more) both mornings. 
  • We forgot to bring a tent mat (no impact on how things went, although I guess the ground might have been a bit softer with it) and broom (had to borrow one from our friends). Also my boots (we didn't need them for anything hiking-related, but my sandals alone were pretty cold). 
  • Our new tent and air mattress were both much better than our old ones. Our old air mattress had a slow leak. Our old tent was a backpacking tent, i.e. the bare minimum size and weight, whereas it was possible to actually stand up and move around in the new one. This wouldn't have been noticeable to a hypothetical spectator but as tired as I was, it definitely would have been worse with the old equipment.

On the way home yesterday we made two stops. First, at the Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad park. It was our second visit, but the kid has always been interested in Tubman, and this time she's old enough to get a little more out of it. Second, at RAR Brewing for lunch and some beer to bring home. We actually got back around 5 PM. We did laundry, had a simple dinner, and tried to relax. Alas, 'twas not to be. The kid came into bed with us again shortly after bedtime and T.'s snoring woke me up a few times too.

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