Friday, May 13, 2022

The benefits of working from home

Wordle 328 4/6


Woo hoo.

Yesterday I biked the kid to school. It was fine, other than already being a bit too warm and humid to do it wearing a hoodie.

Work was productive enough. In the morning, mostly prepped for or tried to plan around problems with this big upcoming task. Outcome: task probably put off and restructured. Victory. Around noon I went jogging. It was shorter and faster than usual, both because I was in a hurry (not that an extra 5-10 minutes would have mattered by itself, but anyways) and because I wanted to test something out. Instead of doing a loop around the local college plus a few extra blocks, or a few more, I just did the loop around the college and that's it. Google Maps says it's 1.9 miles, my phone app says 1.82. So that's annoying. Not a huge difference, but more than a rounding error, and enough that it might become a problem if I ever get really serious about pushing myself. Oh well...

In the afternoon I wrapped up several things earlier than usual, then logged off a bit early to go to the movies with T. We saw Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. That was fun. It was visually stunning. It's definitely the most trippy, visually creative part of the MCU. The first Dr. Strange movie had hands coming out of his hands; this one... well, no spoilers. It's also definitely a horror movie. Also, these elements seem more superficial, but there's a ton of Christian symbolism. The next time I watch it I'm going to keep my eyes open to see if certain other things match or not.

After that we had to run, or rather drive fast, to pick up the kid from after-care. (We had considered biking there to pick her up but ultimately decided on driving. Biking would have been faster. Driving allowed us both to go.) We were a little late but we had warned the nanny about the possibility and it didn't turn out to be a problem. Traffic was truly crazy. 

Dinner was enchiladas, T.'s specialty.

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