Thursday, May 05, 2022

Woo hoo

Wordle 320 6/6


That was close.

Yesterday we drove the kid to school. In hindsight the weather was fine but it looked like it might rain, so we drove. I think we might have accidentally discovered a new, better route. Driving her to school during rush hour is never going to be great, and Google Maps would never suggest this route because it requires crossing a busy street on foot, but it was much faster than usual even though traffic wasn't.

In the morning, work was pretty normal. Continued editing that big, messy SOP. Based on guidance I got Tuesday, I could call the task "done" and forget about it now, but I'm pretty sure it'll come back eventually which is more than I can say for a lot of things, so I might as well do now what I know I'll need to do about it eventually.

In addition to that, I also applied for a job. I'm not sure I'd want it (both because I don't know much about it, and because I'm ambivalent about what I do know). But it has some things going for it, and simply going through the process of creating the account and polishing the resume and cover letter took some effort. It's the first time in years I've done that. 

I only worked a half-day yesterday because of afternoon plans. First the kid had a dentist's appointment. It was a new dentist because the old one stopped taking our insurance. The new one is less convenient, but not too hard to get to, and seems very good, or at least very polished-looking and user-friendly. After that we cleaned up after a teacher appreciation event. We had two hours to kill between that and the kid's music lesson, so T. and I went for a walk to a bookstore. A long walk; driving or taking the bus would have been reasonable if killing time wasn't partially the goal.

Then, the music lesson. It went well. Afterwards the kid hung out with her friend across the street a bit while I made dinner. It was tortellini and cauliflower. 

I didn't do the usual jogging or biking, but between the long walk and the job interview, I feel like I mostly made up for the physical activity and self-discipline.

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