Saturday, October 15, 2022

A good Friday

Wordle 483 4/6


Yesterday I biked the kid to school. I tried a new route, with no bike lane but on a street I hoped would be less busy. I was right but it also had more speed bumps. Trade-offs...

Work was the biweekly report day. It went OK all things considered. Better than two weeks ago in terms of when the last report came in, and in terms of the difficulty, but maybe not in terms of when the median report came in. But the last report is probably more important than the median report, so, yay. I found the time to work out on the exercise bike early in the afternoon. 

T. wasn't feeling well, so she lay down and I kept things low-key (not that I wouldn't normally) until it was time to get the kid. We picked her up from school and got her to gymnastics with 1 minute to spare. Then T. and I went to the library and did a little grocery shopping. 

Dinner was at this new taqueria place near our house. It's been there for months now but we hadn't got around to it yet. It was nice, but more food than we expected. Lots of leftovers. Afterwards, we found two neighboring couples chatting on their front porch, so T. joined them while I put the kid to bed. (Even though it was T.'s turn. Hmmm...)

Last night I got to bed around 10:30. Snoring woke me up around 4:30. I figured my chances of getting back to sleep were bad, so I went downstairs and lay down on the couch. I was out until 8 this morning. A better night's sleep than I've had in weeks, if not years, even though it wasn't all in one bed.

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