Wednesday, October 05, 2022


Wordle 473 4/6


Drove the kid to school again, and then dropped T. off at work. She made yesterday her day at the office this week so I had the house to myself. Work was fine. Two meetings. One, small and productive; the second, longer, but no activity required from me.

I thought about getting exercise, but kept putting it off. I eventually talked myself down to a brisk walk to the hardware store, for a support that would hopefully keep the dryer vent from breaking under its own weight again. I wanted to get a picture of something similar, but I couldn't find the keys. For a while I was worried I had locked them in the basement, which would suck. Eventually I found them in the pocket of my windbreaker, in the car. That took long enough and was stressful enough that I didn't go for that walk. Maybe today... 

I drove to pick up the girls. The kid didn't want to leave school, she was having too much fun playing with her friends, but we insisted around when it started to rain. She practiced her guitar briefly, just to get in a second practice for the week. Dinner was enchiladas. 


These days I'm working on the following goals in World of Warcraft, besides general fun and stuff.

  1. The Hero of Fate title. It requires killing each raid boss of the expansion, on "Fated" mode and "Heroic" difficulty. This takes skill, or at least the luck to get invited to a group with high enough skill. There are 31 of those and I've done 28. I tried them several times at the last three over the past few days but just couldn't get them. It becomes unavailable forever when the new expansion launches on Nov. 28.
  2. Be Our Guest, party planning (seriously). It's a once-a-week activity. The goal is to invite 16 different characters to parties, up to four a week. This just takes planning. Three days ago I still needed seven and one of them needs to be unlocked. I thought I'd be able to unlock that one yesterday but apparently I was wrong. Required for the Veilstrider title, which becomes unavailable on Nov. 28, although it has other rewards of its own which don't.
  3. Abominable Lives, a bunch of different quests. It's random which ones will be available each week, so it takes luck. Last week I needed six. This week I got none of the ones I needed. Likewise required for Veilstrider.
  4. The 10th Mage Tower challenge. A solo challenge so in theory it takes pure skill. As far as I can tell I'm doing everything right, I just need to make fewer mistakes. Probably never becomes unavailable, but the new expansion will add complexity. (Maybe it'll make it easier, who knows, but I'd like to get it over with before then for reasons besides simple difficulty.)
  5. Various class armor sets. Easy on lower difficulties but there's a random element. Becomes harder for a long time after the new expansion.

Notice a pattern? Time limits and luck. I want to remind myself that I already completed the goals I "really" care about and this stuff is just minor bonuses for completionism (it's easier in the case of the last ones). I fear to calculate the odds of getting number three. The math is complicated. And the past few days were frustrating.

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