Sunday, October 16, 2022

Weekends are busier than weekdays

Wordle 484 3/6



Yesterday brunch was earlier and simpler than usual: bacon, fried eggs, and toast. This was because we had an appointment to get out car serviced. Before that, T. had time to go to the farmer's market for a few things and I took the kid to the park. 

While the car was in the shop, we did a little shopping. It was mostly for Halloween-related stuff. The work finished, if anything, earlier than we expected. The car was fine. No extra work needed at all. After that, home quickly, to meet a contractor so he could work on our rear gates. (He had come earlier, but we had planned to leave some primer outside for him and forgot, so he had to come back. Whoops!) Meanwhile we had lunch and started the laundry.

Around 4 a friend of the kid was dropped off, so we could take both of them to a Girl Scout event. They were rowdy. I almost wished they got lost in the woods. I don't even mean the troop, I just mean the two we brought...

Dinner was spaghetti and green beans. Easy. We had thought the kid would have a playdate with a friend after dinner because her parents had late plans, but they were too fired and stayed in, and so did her friend.

While the kid was in bed, we both did some more postcards. We were both tired, but we didn't want to deal with them at the last minute, so we were responsible.

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