Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Time to myself

Wordle 480 6/6


Ugh. One of those words. Better late than never, I guess.

Yesterday I biked the kid to school and did some grocery shopping on the way home. Then I had the house to myself; T. made yesterday her day at the office.

Work wasn't too bad. One meeting in the morning, productive. I didn't finish a follow-up to it I should have, but it's not a huge deal.

In addition to work I did some cleaning, mostly just finishing unpacking after the busy weekend, and writing. I also worked out on the exercise bike. And played World of Warcraft, of course. Revisiting this list, in the past week I did the following:

  1. No progress. Skill aside, I haven't had the chance due to the rotation.
  2. Invited three guests and really did unlock that last one, so checking that box off should only take 10 minutes next week.
  3. Got five of the quests I needed, so now I'm just waiting and hoping for the last one to spawn. I could finish that in 10 minutes next week as well or it could remain unfinished when the new expansion comes, seven weeks from now.
  4. Got the 10th Mage Tower challenge, and by the way, Saturday morning I got the 11th too. Holy shit, vengeance was so much easier than havoc...
  5. Minor progress, and again, this is a low priority.

So while I'm not completely done with this expansion, I'm feeling less frustrated and more bored. Gear doesn't matter now, I'm not sure what my main will be when the new expansion comes... I might unsubscribe if it wasn't on a longer plan than that. 

As usual for days like this, T. walked to the school and I drove to get them both. Uneventful. Afterwards, a friend of the kid came over to play. Dinner was carne asada and a salad.

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