Friday, October 28, 2022

Let's hope it was jet lag

Wordle 496 6/6


Good enough.

I logged on yesterday to find that a weird discussion had come up the day before. Management, i.e. government, had asked a technical team how much of their documentation was in compliance and they had to ask us the answer to that, and what "in compliance" would even mean. My teammates and manager addressed it, but got one detail wrong, which I clarified. (With sources. Yay, I made a contribution.) We learned some things ourselves in ensuing discussions, or had them clarified. It was uncomfortable thinking about just how "out of compliance" our library is. I suggested a pragmatic way to deal with it, which a team member had strenuous ethical objections to. Well, don't I feel like an asshole. I also forgot or got confused about some parts of the discussion in an embarrassing way, but that's a relatively minor problem.

World of Warcraft is also frustrating. The only thing I care about in the game at the moment is those last three Fated Heroic raid bosses, and they depend on other people having skill, which is apparently in short supply. There's lots of other things I could do, but they don't matter. I could make minor improvements to my gear for the last Mage Tower, but I can't make any attempts at the challenge itself; it was shut down in the recent patch for rebalancing. The recent patch made lots of backend changes and changes to the interface but very minor changes to the gameplay so far. I could work on the very last Balance of Power, I guess, but that's really scraping the bottom of the barrel.

We went grocery shopping on the way to get the kid. Our favorite grocery store isn't on the usual route and traffic on this route was terrible. After getting her from school, we went to a "Pumpkinpalooza" event nearby. There was some Halloween-related fun stuff, but it was mostly just a chance to get pumpkins. Traffic on the way home from that was terrible too. 

Dinner was tortellini and a green salad. Easy. I put the kid to bed but didn't stay up long after that. I was exhausted.

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