Sunday, January 29, 2023


Wordle 589 4/6


Yesterday instead of the usual weekend brunches, T. suggested something more European-style, like bread, cheese, and cold cuts. I was fine with the variety, and it was less work too.

Later in the morning the kid practiced her guitar while T. and I did laundry and stuff. The smoke alarm was beeping so I checked what kind of battery it had. In the process, T. noticed that the hall lamp was hanging lower than it used to. Around 1 we went to Eastern Market. Parking was a pain. We took the kid to the library for a bit. After that I went to CVS for the batteries, and then T. and I took the kid to a friend's birthday party at their apartment nearby. They had fun. It has a pirate/ocean theme, which was weird in January, but they made it work. The main party favor was inflatable cutlasses. The kid had fun hitting us with them.

We had to leave that party early to go to another birthday party. This one was out in Hyattsville. They overlapped, so we expected to get there late. We were a lot later than expected because T. was navigating, sometimes her phone sends her to the wrong address, and this was one of those times. We were all frustrated. In the end we got to the second partly only about 15 minutes before it ended. The kid had fun briefly. She got a balloon. Afterwards T. realized there were secondhand clothing stores nearby she wanted to go to, and T.'s friend across the street was there and her dad offered to drive the kid and I home, so T. went shopping.

At home, I wanted to get the kid away from screens, so I got out the chess set, and she obliged. We got about 5 moves in before she had to go to the bathroom. I heard screaming. She had brought her balloon with her, and it got caught in the skylight's chain and ripped. There were tears. I gave in and let her watch TV while I did some laundry.

Dinner was leftover pizza. No one was too hungry after all those parties. 

I was tired, obviously. After putting the kid to bed I went to bed myself. I think I was out by 9:30, maybe earlier. I woke up briefly when T. came to bed, around 11:30, but otherwise slept well. I needed it.

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