Saturday, January 14, 2023

Not unlucky despite the date, but tiring

Wordle 574 4/6


Sort of cheated there. Oh well.

Yesterday the kid didn't have school due to inservice, so T. took the day off, but I didn't. I don't get as much PTO as she. I really should do something about that...

So the kid got to watch a lot of TV in the morning. I focused on that second document due by next week. 

I did one personal/family thing in the morning, namely trying to get the kid on a bike. She needs practice. I'm not sure when I last mentioned it here, but at some point I hope to bike with her to school. Exercise for both of us and less aggravating traffic. We have two bikes for her in the basement from various secondhand sources. The first one I got out was too big. It doesn't have training wheels set up, just a handle for me to hold on to, and she can't even start pedaling if she physically can't keep it vertical. The second one is smaller, but the front tire has a hole in the tube. I found two patch kits... but the glue in both of them was dried and flaking. So we have to go buy more of those. Haven't been biking as much as I used to, of course. It had a set of training wheels and I tried to put them on the bigger bike... but they wouldn't fit due to the gear shift. 

So that was a waste of 45 minutes or so. If there's one bright spot, the kid was a good sport about it. Willing to try and was helpful, or at least not a problem, as I was fumbling with the tools. 

Just after lunch, T. and the kid went to the African-American History Museum and I finished up the work day. I got that draft of the document done and sent to the SMEs, and relaxed a bit. 

I went to get them around 3:30. Then home for just a bit. At 5, we took the kid to gymnastics class. T. and I did a little shopping for presents for various upcoming events. After gymnastics class, the kid stayed late for a parents' night out event the gymnastics school periodically hosts, and T. and I went out to dinner with some friends. It was nice having a double date. It's been a while.

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