Saturday, January 07, 2023

OK Friday

Wordle 567 4/6


Drove the kid to school yesterday and we were a little late. I blame T...

Work was OK. The biweekly report was better than average. I assume it's because it was covering the holiday period so there's less to report on. 

In the afternoon I did something I haven't done seriously in 20 years: drew. I've sketched some stuff here and there, mostly for or with the kid, but not anything I'd actually have to think about. But a few weeks ago she asked for a picture of me and said it might help with bedtime if I were there with her in another way, and yesterday I finally got around to it. I got the sketching done. T. and the kid had no complaints/feedback over the details, so the next step is to ink it and color it in. Good for me for challenging myself and doing something more creative than a new transmog for my characters in WoW, I guess.

Then I went for a walk. Not as long as I'd like, but I had started too late.

We got the kid on time for once for gymnastics. A little shopping during that.

Dinner was pizza to go from a place we've never been before. It was OK but not great.

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