Tuesday, January 17, 2023


Wordle 577 2/6


Woo hoo.

Yesterday breakfast at home was very light: one remaining leftover pancake for me, cereal for the kid, nothing for T. It was because we were planning to go to a friend's house for a neighborhood clean-up event as a community service thing for the holiday, followed by brunch. It went well enough. We filled three bags of trash with litter. Good for the kids for helping out.

I was hungry by this point, because even though I feel like I've been eating a lot lately, I hadn't eaten a lot so far on this particular day. Brunch was sort of European-style, basically charcuterie. I also appreciated the coffee; see previous post about sleeplessness. And the company. It was nice just visiting with them while the kids entertained each other. 

After that we dropped the kid off with another friend for a trip to a trampoline park. At that point, T. was planning to go to the mall, she was still looking for certain business attire for the new job, and I was planning to go grocery shopping and a few other errands on foot. But she offered to drive me shopping. Just getting there was aggravating. Traffic wasn't bad in general but it was bad in the store parking lot. Shopping with T. is often aggravating, trying to keep her from getting too much junk food or other things we don't need. And of course everything is aggravating when sleep-deprived. 

While shopping, T. got an invitation from a friend to use a massage appointment she couldn't keep, so that saved us the trouble of trying to figure out if she'd accompany me on the other errands. Cool.

Before going anywhere I got sucked into minor electrical work. I refilled the cat's water fountain and when I did, the surge protector it was plugged into started making a scary crackling noise. In the process I found a speaker plugged into it that I'm pretty sure we never used so I unplugged it. Let's see how long it takes us to notice that. I unplugged everything and blew into all the surge protector sockets and that stopped the crackling. So the scare is resolved, for now. 

So I walked to the library to return that DVD. On the way back, a little more shopping for something the first store didn't have. 

That was the end of the outside-the-house errands, but then I got to two bike-related tasks at home. First, changing the tube on the kid's bike. Easier than I thought it would be. So now she has a rideable bike. Cool. Second, experimenting with a passenger safety rail on T.'s bike. T. has an ebike but she has used it little, partly because we couldn't figure out how to get it set up for the kid to ride as a passenger safely. T. was on the verge of asking for a return for the safety rail. But yesterday she asked me to try to figure it out, and I got something. I'm not sure it's "right", I'd definitely agree with her that the thing is badly designed, but it's sturdy and somewhat functional. Cool.

By this point it was around 5. The kid got home only a few minutes after that. I put her through her paces and made her practice her guitar. T. got home around 6. Dinner was pasta, a new type we're experimenting with, plus Brussels sprouts. 

I went to bed right after putting the kid down. I was tired. I got 8.5 hours of uninterrupted sleep, which is rare. Good for me.

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