Thursday, January 12, 2023

I may have a problem

Wordle 572 4/6


Yesterday T. had a big, early, in-person meeting, so she left for work before the kid and I even left for school. Wow, poor her. But then again, poor us, because traffic was once again bad, although not as bad as the previous two days.

There was a minor problem in the morning where we were supposed to help an electrician get into the neighbor's house but couldn't find the key. That was inconvenient for what I was doing at the moment, and probably sucked for the electrician and the neighbor's tenants too.

At work I wasn't too productive, and it finally caught up to me. Not in a terrible way, but bad enough to make me feel bad. Two new tasks came in, urgently with basically no notice. That would be aggravating even if I was on top of things, of course. This isn't the first time this has happened with this team. In addition to triage on the tasks themselves, I reached out to our lead about what we can do about this pattern, if anything. Proposing an alternate deadline several days later than requested would be cathartic, or simply refusing the request entirely, but that wouldn't be being-a-team-player, would it. Each of the tasks themselves went to one of my teammates - they volunteered, and weren't too busy, whereas I have ongoing tasks - but it makes my delays on my ongoing tasks a practical problem now. 

This is a reminder that part of the reason to get things done before the last minute is that sometimes it can change or I don't know what else will come up, not that the reminder should be needed.

I've been procrastinating mostly by playing World of Warcraft. Games instead of work is bad in general, of course, and feels even worse because I'm not getting all that much done. I'm not making great strides in actual competitive content, I just logged on and found myself tantalizingly close to a couple profession goals, and I could have got one of them in 5 minutes by throwing gold at it but I wanted to save gold and work on both of them, but that required an alternate character, and I got sucked into that character too. I'm not sure how much of this is due to changes in the game, due to T. being absent and her mere presence keeping me honest, and how much of this is due to executive functioning issues. I'm not at the point yet where I want to go on ADHD medication, but I do need to generally shape up.

Anyways, a little after 4 I got to a good stopping point on stuff at work and cleaned the kitchen. I met T. and the kid at school a little after 5 and drove them home. Dinner was spaghetti and Brussels sprouts, simple and easy. The kid was really annoying in the evening, but it was more exuberance than actual misbehavior, so it wasn't the sort of thing we could punish her over, but it was just exhausting.

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