Friday, January 20, 2023

Getting old sucks

Wordle 580 2/6


Woo hoo.

We drove the kid to school yesterday. It went fine, although I was worried about being late. It's hard to judge what traffic will be like until we're halfway there.

Work was fine. Productive enough. Worked on several little things. Closed a couple tasks, which is always nice, even if in this case it was because we definitely determined they weren't needed rather than actually finishing work on them. On the personal front during the workday we sent several emails to the architect about engineer contractors. Things are moving along.

In the afternoon, T. wasn't feeling well, so she took a nap. Around 4 I went for a walk for a little exercise. My leg has hurt since Tuesday. Apparently the minimal exercise I did then was overdoing it.

As soon as I got back, we went to get the kid. The guitar lesson went well enough. After that, we made a detour on the way home to weigh her pinewood derby car. Driving to an unfamiliar place in rush hour in the rain, or at least a light drizzle, was stressful.

Dinner was seafood paella from a bag for T. and I. It was decent. The kid had a token amount but mostly ate leftovers.

Still getting used to the mouthguard at night.

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