Wednesday, January 04, 2023

Getting back to normal

Wordle 564 X/6


This fucking game. If there's a strategy to be changed, I guess it's to recognize ASAP when I need to make a guess I know is wrong to eliminate letters, but I didn't actually do anything wrong.

Yesterday we dropped the kid off at school at the usual time, and if anything it went better than I would have expected considering jet lag, and then dropped T. off at work, and I had the house to myself. Woo hoooooo!

Work was fine. Two meetings, both productive, with minor prep before and follow-up after, and one ad hoc task. I did the bulk of my work on that urgent task from last week. I'm not exactly proud of how it went but the very short deadline was out of my control and my boss understands that.

I spent most of my free time playing World of Warcraft. In addition to the usual stuff I raided in the new tier for the first time. The tier started three weeks ago but due to our travel I didn't feel like I could raid until now. Despite not getting any major achievements, it still feels notable because this is my first time as a tank. It's not exactly harder but it's a very different kind of challenge. 

In the late afternoon I washed some dishes, unloaded the dishwasher, and did the laundry. Then I went to meet T. and the kid at school. We got there at the same time as the parents of some friends of hers, and the weather was nice, so we all let them play for almost half an hour before dragging them home.

When I went to pick them up, I was feeling pretty good about my day, but T. pointed out something I hadn't thought of: we have a cleaner coming today, which is a problem because we should have the Christmas decorations put away first. Ugh. Wish I had got started on that during the day. So while T. made enchiladas, I wrapped ornaments on the tree with the kid's help. While I put the kid to bed, T. packed things better and put away other decorations around the house.

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