Friday, March 31, 2023

Too much time to myself is bad for me

Wordle 650 4/6


Lazy day yesterday. Got the kid to school and once again had the house to myself. I think this isn't good for me. I think I've got better in recent years about self-discipline when it comes to working from home, but either there's more to it than that or I still have a long way to go. I got through the essentials yesterday - cleaned the kitchen so I wouldn't have to do it while other things were going on, dealt with new stuff at work and crossed one item off my rolling to-do list, and dealt with some renovation paperwork - but I could have done a lot more, both for work and for personal projects. I didn't even get much done that mattered in World of Warcraft, although I spent time there on stuff that didn't matter.

T. had dinner plans with her new coworkers, apparently they coincidentally had a dinner outing her first week, so the kid and I were on our own. Fortunately for me (or our TV) a friend of hers was available to play. I took them to the park for a while.  While they were on the jungle gym, I walked laps, to get a modicum of physical activity. Then we went to the house, they played in the kid's room, and I inventoried some comics. We all split a Hawaiian pizza for dinner. I did most of my physical therapy after dinner.

Bedtime for the kid was harder than usual, and sadder. She asked if anyone would ever really invent a time machine because she wanted to see Buddy again. I tried to say comforting stuff and sat with her longer than I have been for the past week or two.

Didn't sleep well last night. T.'s snoring was the proximate cause, but I have to wonder about something directly or indirectly related to how the day went, like depression.

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