Monday, May 01, 2023

Climbing the walls, but in a good way

Wordle 681 4/6


Yesterday I started the yoga book's exercise 2. A big jump in complexity. I made omelettes (taco omelettes, to use up the last of the ground beef from Thursday; weird and a lot of work but good) and home fries for brunch. It was a bit early because T. had plans at 10 to go shopping without us. We had a relaxing morning but still got the essentials done, including the kid's guitar practice. I even got the kid on her bike a bit during a lull in the rain.

In the afternoon we all went to this climbing wall gym. T. quickly decided she didn't have the upper body strength for climbing and just went to a stair-climbing machine in the gym area. The kid and I basically played on the climbing walls - all the easy courses and maybe one or two intermediate ones, and sometimes making them even easier on ourselves than the course indicated, but who cares? It was just for fun. I got a blister. It was expensive enough that we wouldn't want to do it regularly without a membership, and we're busy enough that we probably wouldn't get our money's worth out of a membership, but as an activity for a rainy day when our other plans were cancelled or already finished, it was a nice change.

Dinner was enchiladas, T.'s cooking. I put the kid to bed since I figured the night before was a wash.

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