Monday, September 18, 2023

A lot of little problems

Wordle 821 5/6


Made the usual Sunday brunch yesterday, eggs and home fries, and simply served T. in the living room while the kid and I ate in the dining room.

Later in the morning we went to the new farmer's market at the nearby school. T. and I took turns supervising the kid in the playground while the other went to the market. I checked it out first and only the cookies looked interesting; I thought we were pretty well stocked on fruits and vegetables anyway. When T. went, she got carrots, tomatoes, and corn, but no cookies. 

We spent a lot of time yesterday in the garden, theoretically getting ready to decorate for Halloween. T. seemed annoyed I wasn't helping more. I'd be happy to help but the garden is just filled with plants I don't know or care about. I'll contribute by weeding, if she defined them carefully, or getting out of the way. That's about it.

I'm putting it that way because I was moody about it (and, apparently, still am), but I did some useful work anyway. While she weeded our garden, the kid and I eliminated a nasty pricker bush from in front of a nearby vacant house. Civic duty aside, it used to attack us when we parked there. Now it won't.

After the weeding, we did some decorating. The house looks a little spookier. While doing so some neighbors walked by, a mother with a daughter who's a friend of the kid, so they wound up visiting for a while. I took the girls to the park while the moms had wine. I had a glass myself after I got back.

Dinner was spaghetti and cauliflower. While I cooked the kid had a tantrum about TV and guitar. In the end, T. got her to do both. I'm not sure how. Nor, in the case of the guitar, why, but that's another topic...

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