Monday, September 11, 2023

Scout meeting

Wordle 814 4/6


Yesterday after brunch (eggs and home fries, as usual), we dropped the kid off at a friend's for a playdate. Then T. and I went to the bookstore because they were having a sale. T. got a book for herself and several presents for family. I helped, in that I didn't object to any of them and offered opinions on what presents would be appreciated.

In the afternoon, I took the kid to a Cub Scout meeting. It was OK, but it was a real struggle to drag her into participating.

Dinner was pork chops and a salad. (T. and the kid were at the playground while I was preparing it.)

Lots of downtime in the day. We probably could have been better about screentime for all of us. But then, the kid got two playdates, we got a lot of work around the house done the day before so there was only so much to do yesterday, and we even sort of played a board game before the Scout meeting. We weren't all that bad, we just had a lot of free time.

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