Thursday, September 28, 2023

Lazy Wednesday

Wordle 831 5/6


I got the kid to school fine yesterday. I attended two meetings in the morning, with minimal but not completely zero participation/thought required of me. And I went jogging around noon; the usual 3-mile route. 

That's about all the good stuff I can say. I was lazy overall yesterday. Lots of Warcraft. I've done all the "chores" for the week on a ridiculous number of characters. (I'll be more specific and say seven. I didn't finish everything on all of them, but still, it's ridiculous to be able to say that by Wednesday.) It doesn't help that my few work tasks were neither interesting nor urgent, but still, I'm back to feeling bad/worried about executive function.

I got those two work tasks done late in the day, and felt the need to apologize for the timing of one of them. I put them off so long that I couldn't accompany T. to get the kid (she wanted to go about an hour earlier than usual due to another errand first, but still, I could have gone with her if I had been on top of things). It turned out to be more complicated than usual due to some street violence around the school. Not aimed at us or anyone at school, but there was a lockdown just in case, leading to a ton of talk on WhatsApp. 

While all that was going on, I made dinner. Chicken and a caprese salad. We all liked the chicken. T. and I liked the salad.

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