Thursday, September 14, 2023

After all this time, I thought I was immune

Wordle 817 3/6


Yesterday I biked the kid to school, but used the motor more than usual because I was feeling a bit sick - sore throat, runny nose, etc. 

Work was fine. Got that SOP with management interest to the subject matter expert, so I've done my part until further notice. Also had a productive meeting. I logged out of work a couple hours early and took a nap. 

I couldn't change all my plans, though. The kid had an orthodontist appointment in the afternoon. (By the way, she was kind of grumpy all day, I have no idea why except for being tired, she got up early yesterday morning again.) The expander is working, apparently, and the next appointment is in 3 months. After that, to CVS for a snack for the kid and soda and cold medicine for me and the library to return a book. We met up with T. after that. We went to Trader Joe's, more to get parking validated than to actually get things we needed. (I wore a mask for all this. Good for me.)

Then home. Dinner was beef tips, mashed potatoes, and salad. It was fine. While putting the kid to bed I thought better safe than sorry, I should take a covid test. It came back positive. Holy shit. After all this time, especially after the close exposure last month, I thought I was immune, or had had completely asymptomatic cases and built up an immunity that way. Apparently not.

So anyways, I read to the kid with a mask on and then put myself to bed. I didn't exactly sleep well, despite the NyQuil, but I was certainly down long enough in total hours.

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